constructed script造句
- But the snugly constructed script stands on its own merits.
- Review : An elegant ghost story built on a smartly constructed script and honest scares.
- A well-constructed script for a made-for-TV drama in prime time might evolve like this.
- He developed a distinctive constructed script which is derived from Blackletter, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Justin Bieber's Purpose album that debuted in 2015.
- These include stenographies and constructed scripts of hobbyists and fiction writers ( such as Tengwar ), many of which feature advanced graphic designs corresponding to phonologic properties.
- An elegant ghost story built on a smartly constructed script and honest scares, it's a movie you should see with as little advance information as possible.
- At a convention in which Al Sharpton's fiery speech seemed to be the only ad lib from a carefully constructed script, there was genuine suspense and uncertainty on the final day.
- Yet, nine years later, here are Jesse and Celine again, and here are Linklater, Hawke, and Delpy collaborating on a tightly constructed script that plays like a stroll down the street.
- Some of the most sophisticated games have elaborate musical scores, carefully constructed scripts and story lines, imitations of camera movements-- not to mention credits that scroll up the screen listing everyone but virtual stunt men.
- Boozer first entered the world of conlanging as a child, when he read Dr . Seuss "'On Beyond Zebra " and traced the Seussian alphabetical extensions in this author's constructed script ( conscript ).
- It's difficult to see constructed script in a sentence. 用constructed script造句挺难的
- In " The Guardian ", Peter Bradshaw rated the film three out of a possible five stars and added, " This genial comedy, directed by Nigel Cole, with an excellent, tightly constructed script by Tim Firth and Juliette Towhidi, accentuates the positive.
- H閘iaque : from French " H閘iaque ", from Greek % ???? " sun ", whence " of the sun " or " solar ", is a constructed script for cultural and linguistic experiment based on classical and archaic French ) while achieving a homogenized system of writing so that the script phonological system would fit all these languages in an only one coherent way.
- The CSUR, which is not officially endorsed or associated with the Unicode Consortium, provides a mapping for constructed scripts, such as Klingon pIqaD and Ferengi script ( Star Trek ), Tengwar and Cirth ( J . R . R . Tolkien's cursive and runic scripts ), Alexander Melville Bell's Visible Speech, and Dr . Seuss'alphabet from " On Beyond Zebra ".
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